Social Media Success for West Central Tree Service

Integrity Grove partnered with West Central Tree Service to enhance their social media presence and boost their online engagement. Our aim was to increase their visibility and connect with potential customers through effective social media strategies.

Why Did West Central Tree Service Choose Us?


After running a successful tree business with word of mouth business for over 20 years, Nick, Owner of West Central Tree Service knew that social media is something that is good to do for a business, but he didn’t have the time, interest, or expertise to tackle this himself. He trusted us to voice his business and brand on social media, and to continue to support and reach out to new potential customers.

Our Solution

West Central Tree Service had 0 content strategies in place, all they had was a Facebook page with a few hundred likes and posts from years ago, so we went in and made sure to make accounts on all platforms to give new potential customers a spot to view West Central Tree Service and what they are about.

Content Strategy:
It is clear that West Central Tree Service values hard work, and making sure the job gets done right, so our content strategy for them formed around those base ideas. We post a variety of before and after posts, professional photography, short form videos of trees and branches dropping to fast paced music.


Engaging Posts:
Tree service work is super engaging in and of itself compared to most trades, so it’s super fun putting posts together. We’ll make video recaps of some jobs they do as well as unedited videos of trees falling. With chain saws revving, machinery operating, and trees falling, there’s always something fun to record and see, especially for new person on social media who has never seen tree work done before!


Community Management:
As we’ve continued to post, we’ll get clients that come on and give reviews, thanks, and praise, and it’s extremely important to follow up with all engagement to show that you’re trying to foster an online community around your brand.

Outcomes and Impact

Our social media management systems has led to a significant increase in online brand visibility for West Central Tree Service. Each post is a reminder to new and past customers that West Central Tree Service is there for you if you are in need of tree services in Central Iowa. Nick has had constant people ask him if he’s posting content for his business, and he’ll say “I don’t even touch it, that is all Isaac!

1,800,000 Views on Facebook Reels

This video attracted over 1,800,000 views on Facebook due to the simplicity of the video with a very satisfying tree fall.

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350,000 Views on Facebook Reels

This video attracted over 350,000 views to the account due to the short and to the point tree fall while also showcasing the setup of how they made it all happen.

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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need support, or want to discuss how Integrity Grove can help your business grow, feel free to reach out. Contact us today to start a conversation.

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